Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Winter vacation.

Anthony is out of school, and Kevin took a little more than two weeks off for vacation. Anthony returns to school on the 4th, and Kevin to work on the 6th. I'm sure I'll be ready by Sunday for another return to the regularly scheduled program:)
Matthew is up to 9lbs 4 ozs. Yay! I'm still pumping to supplement. Mostly because he's still got a mouth full of thrush which feels like fire when he nurses. It was better for a while and then got worse again like overnight. He's still crying a lot, but he's not AS miserable as he has been. As long as he's gaining weight and doing alright, I'll deal with the other things. He's been waking up at night to nurse which is good. (Now I'm tired!)
Been trying to get back in to the groove of writing out a menu for us and planning out the chores and everything. That's the easy part. Sticking to it all is hard. Kevin likes to change things on a whim depending on how he's feeling. He's never been very good at sticking to a schedule:) I still try though!
There are other things I want to do, like get back to working on some of my projects, but those things are going to have to wait. With Matthew it's hard to get in anything extra besides the essentials. We'll get there eventually.

I have grand dreams. Dream big, right? :)

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