Thursday, March 05, 2009

We're taking a personal day.

9 am...
Last night I spent close to Anthony's side as he tried to fight off a stomach bug. We had to dispose of his mattress unfortunately. It was a long night.

Now I'm sitting enjoying some coffee, browsing through some blogs, and watching Fried Green Tomatoes. Never seen that movie before, that I recall. It's hilarious.

It's now 9:15pm and we just arrived home from the ER. Anneliese took a trip and her head landed on the metal frame of the sliding glass door. She has a purple/blue crease down the middle of her forehead, but otherwise seems fine. Her eyes rolled around a bit strangely right after it happened which was why we headed to the ER. But after 3 hours of waiting, and her running around like she was fine...we decided to head back home with advice to take her to her primary care doctor if anything unusual happens.

Ah, children. God bless them all.


Anonymous said...

painful to read.
in our prayers

Susy said...

Oh my gosh. You aren't having a good time of it. I hope that tummy bugs are gone soon, and ouchies heal fast.