Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sewing away.

The last few days I've spent working on some baby items for the hospital here on base. I've been sewing blankets, and hats, and booties, and a few shrouds as well.

A thought occurred to me as I was sewing yesterday. Or rather a line from scripture popped into my head....Clothe the naked. Sadly, when women go to the hospital unexpectedly early in their pregnancy to give birth, for whatever reason, they may not be prepared. For example with me, I went through my last pregnancy thinking that everything was fine, I'd get things closer to my due date. This is natural, especially with a third, fourth, fifth, and so on, pregnancy. You know what to expect. But the unexpected happens, as we know. Reiterating what I said in the story of my loss, it was a blessing that someone somewhere thought to make something that would clothe my baby as I wasn't in the mental state to do so.

And so back to clothing the naked...It reminded me that maybe in this small way I could follow Jesus more by doing this. Thinking back to when I was a child, I always had this desire to help people somehow. But for some reason I always felt inadequate. I never knew where to start, and the efforts I made seemed pretty sad. Perhaps God allows things to happen in our own lives so that we can somehow take from that experience and follow him more closely by filling a need that we know from personal experience. As Oprah might say, (oi!) maybe I'm having an Ah-hah moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
