Friday, September 29, 2006

My excitement consists of....

Randomly surfing the net...
Places I went to.... because i love their chips neat idea for middle school kids interesting stuff, free classes listed. i might have to check into it more --Catholic news. Always new and interesting. It's good to keep educated. -- really cheap art supplies for all us artsy-fartsy types ---pretty cool idea. they have college/university courses on dvd on just about every subject. i just can't justify spending that much at one time...but i would if i could.


11:36 am. Kevin calls.
me: Hey, how are you?
him: Great. Just got done at a club shaking my ass.
me: Really...what time is it there?
him: I don't know...Like 4 something in the morning....
me: Oh. Wow.
him: Yeah. They play some good music here....Got hit on by this old broad.
me: Really..................................*twitching eye*...........................................
him: Yeah...I told her I'm not into old chicks.

*me sending laser beam info to his brain*

me (in my head): Really?! That's GREAT! You should be saying I'm married. But what do I know...

*breath in breath out breath in breath out*


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